Monday, April 16, 2012

HIV and AIDS – the Essential Facts

If you think you have to be exposed to HIV or AIDS through unprotected sex with a stranger or accidental exposure to blood from an infected person, so there is no time to delay - an HIV test is essential for your room and in the interest of your health . Here are the important facts you should know about HIV and AIDS ...

As HIV / AIDS caught?

HIV and AIDS transmitted by direct contact with infected bodily liquids. There are several ways in which ordinary people are infected:

• sexual contact through vaginal or anal sex

• Sharing needles with an infected person. Rarely can include tattooing and body piercing

• blood transfusion or accidental exposure to infected blood

• From mother to child during pregnancy or childbirth. Ammar, in some cases may lead to HIV infection

How Do You Stop?

The key measures to assure them that you will always use new sterile needles for injection can do something, and always use condoms during sex, if you and your partner had HIV testing. Birth control pills, diaphragms, spermicidal jelly can prevent infection during sex - only condoms are effective prevention measures.

What are the symptoms?

Unfortunately, HIV and AIDS are no obvious symptoms. Approximately 4 weeks after infection, most people suffer fever, gland swelling, redness, sore throat and muscle aches. Because symptoms are so general that they are often inaccurate or misleading. The only way to be sure is to test for HIV or AIDS.

What is the treatment?

Currently there is no cure or vaccine for HIV or AIDS. However, there are various courses viral drugs that can help manage the symptoms and significantly improve the quality and longevity. Early diagnosis is important, why HIV testing is so important for anyone who thinks she may be exposed to the virus.

How can I get an HIV test?

There are many sexual health clinics across the U.S. offer HIV tests are confidential. Most people buy privately, through their insurance because of privacy reasons.

The first HIV test, which is usually offered testing for HIV-1. This is a blood test to check the antibodies that the body produces to fight HIV infection. However, it took only six weeks or more after exposure, because it takes time for the body to produce antibodies. Another HIV test, HIV PCR, you can see the virus 4-11 days after exposure. If any of the pre-test gave a positive result, that all tests to confirm this (HIV-1 Test can sometimes give false positive results, it is very sensitive.)

How often should I test HIV?

Extensive screening for sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV testing is recommended annually for all sexually active adults with three or more sexual partners that year. HIV testing is appropriate to start with unprotected sex with a partner, and the risk of sending a child, usually part of a basic health check in early pregnancy.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Genital Herpes Symptoms and Treatment

Genital herpes is one of the most common sexually transmitted disease in the modern world. It is caused by herpes viruses simplek. This is the same family of viruses that cause cold sores and herpes zoster and varicella.

Genital herpes is an infection caused by herpes simplek2 HSV2). HSV-1 is the virus that causes cold sores in the mouth and nose area. Herpes viruses, but do not require special home and would like to live in the mucous membranes lining the mouth and lips, or reproductive organs. For this reason, oral or genital contact short HSV1 HSV2. Virus transmission can occur from mouth to mouth or genital mutilation. Cells or viral lesions are almost identical.

Genital herpes symptoms

Times after the initial infection may be fever and malaise, as can be seen with either acute viral infection, but this is not always easy to see in all cases. In fact, genital herpes symptoms may not be familiar to you, until you see all your genitals or around the hive.

This is called an epidemic, an era characterized by the herpes virus from the body. There will be periods where the virus is inactive, and there are symptoms of genital herpes is. Then, after the outbreak will be times when bubbles appear in the genital area and can even be extended to the anal area.

Cells will behave like any normal cold sores on the lips. They come with an initial burning sensation, grow and expand and eventually break, leaving ulcers slow to heal.

Men's blistering occurs in or around the penis. Women can have vaginal sores around the genital area.

Symptoms of genital herpes will come and go, but the virus stays with you forever. Number of the epidemic will gradually become less and less, and in some cases, some people do not see an outbreak at all.


You may not know they have been infected with genital herpes at the first appearance of blisters. Genital herpes symptoms are so mild in some people who think they are just annoying. The best thing to do is see a doctor, so you can be diagnosed correctly.

Doctors can usually make the diagnosis based on examination of the genital injuries are very specific look. In some cases, your doctor may swab the blister fluid to see if they have the virus.

Genital herpes treatment

There is no treatment of genital herpes, but can be controlled so that they can live a normal sexually active life. Antiviral drugs are commonly prescribed to hit the first outbreak of the infection and can be used for a long time, if the eruptions are frequent.

Another treatment is the discomfort of an outbreak of common sense measures such as wearing loose comfortable clothes, use cold compresses or creams and ointments for blisters comforting.

A strong and healthy immune system is necessary to maintain the suspension of the virus and reduce the incidence. Health rejects the habits like smoking, drugs, toxic compounds or replacement of the resources your immune system, so your best treatment option for maintaining good health. This includes eating nutritious whole foods, getting enough exercise and stress management.


Overall, the herpes virus simplek not considered dangerous for people with fully functioning immune system. The virus should be repealed, and the event should be as general immune system works well.

However, if the immune system becomes weight or damaged in any way that outbreaks are more likely to occur. It can happen to physical or psychological stress. If the immune system consists of serious diseases such as HIV or cancer, and herpes viruses can be dangerous.

If the virus is readily transferable to other areas, such as the eyes and brain, complications may be difficult. This direct transfer can take various forms but the most common birth process. A baby can become infected during birth from mother to vaginal intercourse with HIV.

If you suspect that you have contracted an infection of genital herpes, your doctor first. Never have sex during an outbreak and never have unprotected sex. This means using a condom or male or female type) during each sexual contact, even during oral sex.

In addition, you should always inform your partner about your herpes status. It's always right.